Dear HART Supporter,
The monsoon has been a good one this year and farmers are expecting bountiful crops. In between the rains and the recent earthquake the work on behalf on the animals of Nepal has continued to make great progress.
Please read on to learn about our recent activities.....
Lectures at IAAS
IAAS is the training college for the majority of vets who graduate in Nepal. It is situated near Bharatpur where HART has its second base.
The veterinary teaching staff and the college principal were most welcoming in inviting our volunteer, Dr Jo Milne, to deliver a week's course on current surgical and treatment options for cats and dogs.
Dr Milne came to HART after spending several weeks teaching at the Indian Training Centre in Ooty.
The course was most efficiently organised by Dr Manoj Shah, Assistant Professor and Head of Surgery & Pharmacology at IAAS, and he and the students were delighted to have this enhancement to their curriculum.
We hope to continue this mutually beneficial liaison over the coming months and years.
After her week at IAAS, Dr Milne continued to work with the HART vets and staff in Bharatpur focusing on neutering and treatment until the beginning of September.
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Cats in Pokhara
We are most grateful to local long-term HART supporter, Sandra Subedi, who initially alerted us to the increasing cat population in Pokhara. 
This population growth is a concern both for the sake of the animals who survive untended as feral cats, and because cats are also carriers of rabies and could undo all the vaccination work that HART has carried out.
In order to address the problem HART has embarked upon a cat neutering programme. 
A crush cage - used to immobilise cats so that they can be safely given a sedative injection - and three state of the art cat traps were donated and shipped out from the UK. If more are needed these will be manufactured in Nepal using the originals as prototypes.The shipment also included several veterinary text books generously donated by the British Veterinary Association for use at HART and IAAS.
Chandra Rai, our Community Liaison Officer and administrator, collected the shipment from the customs at Kathmandu. Despite having letters of recommendation from both the Pokhara and Bharatpur Municipalities it still required several trips to various Ministry offices, plus the payment of £120 in duties, before the goods were released two days later.
This is why we are continually alert for any regular travellers to Nepal who can take supplies on our behalf.
Any help you can provide with transport would be much appreciated.
The trapping and neutering are now underway.
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Collaboration in Pokhara
HART was delighted to welcome Dr Russell Lyon, the UK vet and author, earlier this month. He and Dr Milne almost crossed at the airport.

Dr Lyon is working with the HART vets on the cat programme as he has particular expertise and experience in this field and can enhance the techniques and knowledge of our resident vets, Dr Parsuram Phuyal and Dr Basanta Wagle.
On 20th September Dr Lyon presented a paper at a workshop held in Kathmandu by AHTCS on the topic of 'Equine Welfare from a UK Perspective'. This was attended by other NGO's and organisations interested in equine welfare in Nepal. Dr Lyon will continue working in collaboration with AHTCS, who are based in Pokhara but carry out work in the field of animal health and good husbandry throughout the country.
At the workshop we were joined by a further volunteer vet, Dr Sivan Ritter, who has registered with the Nepal Veterinary Council and is currently volunteering at HART.
Following the workshop, AHTCS arranged with HART to conduct the Equine Welfare Assessment at Thumsikot, which is 25 km away from Pokhara city and is AHTCS's working area.
We would like to thank Dr Lyon for sharing his expertise during the assessment.
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World Rabies Day - 28th September
HART has a week-long programme of events to mark this annual occasion. To commemorate the World Rabies Day 2011, HART is focussing on cat neutering this year. We're off to a flying start with 14 cats neutered so far.

A free spaying camp was arranged at the District Livestock Office on the 27th September, in co-ordination with the DLSO and the Nepal Veterinary Association - Pokhara Chapter. Five cats, four male dogs and three bitches were brought for neutering.
HART will continue to focus on neutering and vaccination during this week-long programme with camps held at several locations throughout the Pokhara area.
A school education and awareness programme was conducted in three schools during this World Rabies Day event. Two of these schools are located in rural villages and so this also helped to spread the word about the free mass anti-rabies vaccination camps.
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We are seeking supporters who could fund raise to help keep the impetus going.
Unfortunately times are still difficult in Nepal and most funds have to be generated in the more affluent countries if we want to make life better for the animals there.
Unlike many bigger not-for-profits we have NO administrative overheads and all receipts are remitted to Nepal to benefit animals directly.
So please do consider turning a birthday, anniversary or celebration into a fund raiser and making the occasion one of lasting worth.
We are also still aiming to recruit any further HARTies at a regular £10 a month...or even half-HARTies at just £5 a month!
All the donation details are on the website www.hartnepal.org
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Very many thanks for your continued support
If you would like more information about our work, please visit our website or contact our Director, Mr Khageshwaar Sharma, at k.sharma@hartnepal.org
© Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust 2011