We need your help - every contribution has a positive impact |
Ways to raise money
Despite years of inflation costs in Nepal are significantly less than those in Europe. Therefore much can be achieved, including paying salaries and buying vet supplies, with relatively little money. HAT UK (HART's UK sister charity) has joined a number of shopping and participatory schemes established to assist charities and these are shown on this page.
Click on photos to enlarge |
HART is a small organisation that does not have resources for professional fund raisers. There are therefore no overheads to be covered and so the entirety of every donation is used for the
direct benefit of animals.
We need funds, equipment, expertise and hard work to make a significant impact on the health of the animals in Nepal. Please see our "wish list" alongside for items we always need. If you can help with any of this, please contact Barbara Webb to discuss the logistics. If you are travelling to Nepal and could offer to take a few items, again, please contact Barbara. The cost of transport to Nepal is high and delivery is not always certain, so a friendly carrier can assist enormously. We are always interested to hear from experienced vets and vet nurses who may be considering spending some time in Nepal. Vets need a work permit to operate but advice and consultation is gratefully received. Please contact Khageshwaar Sharma for further information. Funds are essential to keep us going. As stated above anything at all we receive is used directly for the benefit of the animals, and we need help with funds constantly. The multi-currency PayPal "Donation Now" or "Give Monthly" buttons on the right can be used (a PayPal account is not needed), or a cheque (payable to HAT UK please) can be sent to Barbara Webb. Contact her for further details. |
You can easily donate using PayPal - you don't even need an account
If you are a UK taxpayer then, by completing this brief on-line GiftAid form, your donation will be
increased by HM Treasury at no cost to yourself!
To open HMRC's Gift Aid information page, please click here
Click here for HART's Wish List
Copyright © 2010-2025 Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust | All rights reserved